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Kickstarting Your Health Journey: What is Metabolism Mastery?

Today, we want to talk about our signature program: Metabolism Mastery. During this program, your dedicated MYLF coach provides accountability, support and guidance as you work to essentially reset your metabolism.

Your metabolism is not broken, but if you are gaining fat over time, this means that you are not METABOLIZING that fat — you are STORING it for later.  The problem is we never quite get to it later because our CURRENT eating patterns do not support fat metabolism.

As humans, our baseline is designed to metabolize BOTH carbohydrates and fats to get energy. But HOW MUCH of each energy we metabolize has been totally skewed in our modern world. As a result, we have no idea WHY we cannot lose the body fat that we want to.

The goal of Metabolism Mastery is to reset our baseline fairly quickly — in just 12 weeks. During this time, we help you get into new patterns so that your body CAN burn its body fat storage tanks. Twelve weeks sounds like a long time, but it goes by SO fast when you are in it.  About half of our clients START with the 12-week plan and continue with us weekly afterward until they reach their goal. 

We designed Metabolism Mastery as a tool for you to establish a new baseline — to get you back to factory settings — so that everything from THERE works the way your body was DESIGNED to work.

With Metabolism Mastery, you know HOW to do it — the CONFUSION is not there anymore.  The roadmap looks CLEAR. You have a CLEAR starting point and you can SEE how to get to different places that you might want to go.

Discovering Your MYLF Status Quo

We don’t all have the same goals, but we DO all have the same human bodies, so we need to establish a BASELINE for you to build on. That is what Metabolism Mastery is for.

But what even is your MYLF Status Quo? 

Let’s first establish WHAT a status quo is.

The status quo simply means the way things CURRENTLY are.  It is your CURRENT situation without making any changes or without any life disruptions. Basically, your usual, or your NORMAL

Your status quo includes current habit loops, habitual thoughts, emotional responses, and behaviors. It’s familiar, predictable, and the starting point for everything you do.

One thing we DON’T do is assign judgment to your status quo. It’s not GOOD or BAD. If you have goals to do something DIFFERENT, we might call this baseline ineffective, but the point is to simply acknowledge that this current status quo won’t lead to your goal.

Why Is It Important To Even THINK About The Status Quo?  Why Am I Talking About This Right Now? 

 Acknowledging where you are RIGHT NOW is the only starting point for personal growth and development. It is the ONLY way to REAL change versus TEMPORARY change. This involves SELF-AWARENESS, which MOST people do not have. 

Self-Awareness is the ability to REALLY take a look at yourself, without JUDGEMENT, and gain a clear understanding of your strengths AND weaknesses.

The ultimate goal is for you to learn to ACCEPT yourself for where you are RIGHT NOW so that you can use your STRENGTHS to improve your WEAKNESSES, and all of the sudden, you are really moving forward again

Self-awareness leads to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY…and personal responsibility allows you to take back the steering wheel of your life and really MAKE those changes and improvements.  You realize that it’s YOUR job to do that.  But it cannot and will not be done, until you have developed self-awareness of what your status quo is RIGHT NOW.

A note on the scale

The scale is one of those things many people sweat over. BUT the scale is NOT a hateful monster. It is simply a tool that we use to ASSESS our status quo. It’s not a tool for judgment or criticism. It provides a number that we use to TRACK the results of the changes we are making. It helps identify patterns and trends that may be hindering our progress forward. It’s just valuable insight to help us make adjustments and refine our approach to make sure that we keep trending in the desired direction. 

Homework for you: Reflect on your status quo. No judgment — just an honest look at where you are right now.

When you sign up for Metabolism Mastery, you get access to pillar videos covering the areas where we are working to create baselines: Nutrition, Movement, Stress Management, Sleep, and Boundary Setting.

Each pillar has you work through a list of questions to assess your current status, from the emotions and thought processes behind food to your bedtime routine and beyond. THEN, it has you question whether these are serving you — without any emotion attached.  Just a yes or no.

How Can You Improve Your BASELINE? 

Once you have an established baseline, the question is not how can I temporarily do a bunch of random things that I hate, so I can get this weight off? THEN I can go back to doing the things that I LIKE.

If this is your approach, you’re already missing the mark. 

As a reminder, you will NOT stick with things that you HATE doing.  And also, maybe the things that you LIKE do not serve you.  Our goal here is to LEARN TO LIKE NEW THINGS THAT SERVE US. If we LIKE those things, we will CHOOSE to do them over and over and they will become our new status quo. Only then will you truly make strides toward your goals. 

We like things that are familiar and comfortable for us. Right now, many of these things do not feel familiar and they certainly don’t feel comfortable.  This is not because “well, this is just who I am and what I like”.  This is because your brain has established VERY STRONG habit loops surrounding these things. No matter WHY they started, they are in place. So we need to spend our time together working to break those habit loops and implement NEW habits loops.  Not JUST the behaviors.

You ALSO have habitual THOUGHTS, which lead to EMOTIONS, which affect the actions you take.  So we not only need to work on our ACTIONS; we need to change the stories we believe — those are what make us think certain things and feel certain ways. So while you are here, I promise that you will be SO MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL long term if you put in the additional mindset work. 

Ready to embark on this transformational journey?

Join Metabolism Mastery Now.

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