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Helping you become MYLF-Minded

Weight loss and maintenance are both important parts of the wellness journey, and at MYLF Coaching, we work with women who are in both stages. Still, they’re two distinct phases of the process, and understanding their differences is key to getting better results and minimizing frustration. Weight loss is the initial phase of the journey, […]

Today we are talking about a little friend we all share. Well, let’s not call it a FRIEND — it’s more like a familiar PRESENCE in our life. You know it. I KNOW that I know it. We have all had our run-ins with it.  I’m talking about SELF-SABOTAGE.  I bet you’ve been there. You’re […]

How to finally stop self-sabotaging your weight loss

Let’s talk about the ONE thing I get asked the most. How do I maintain the weight that I just lost? The word MAINTENANCE is honestly something I see getting misused a lot. When MOST people ask me how to MAINTAIN their weight loss, what they MEAN is, “How can I maintain this weight loss, […]

weight loss and maintenance

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