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Helping you become MYLF-Minded

I want to discuss the concept of “healing your relationship with food.”  First of all, a relationship is defined by how two or more people or things interact with each other.  The things you are in a relationship WITH have a huge impact on your well-being. When your relationships are HEALTHY (nurturing, fulfilling…), life is […]

Healing your relationship with food

Today, we’re talking about the single most important tool you will use on your journey. Can you guess what it is? Your macros, meal prepping, workout plan – all add up to the results you desire. BUT they all come together thanks to this one mental tool you may not have considered up to this […]

“I fell off the wagon this weekend.” Have you ever SAID this before? I’ve certainly HEARD this from a LOT of my clients over the years referring to their weight loss journey. Let’s take a bit of a dive into this “wagon” situation, shall we? What is falling off the wagon in terms of weight […]

Today we’re talking about something nobody likes. DISCOMFORT. Humans go to great lengths to prevent being uncomfortable, but nothing keeps us from moving forward MORE than our tendency to avoid being uncomfortable. If you’re not moving forward, that usually means you’re in the same place. Now, this isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes you feel […]

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