You’ll find that we do things differently around here. We believe in equipping our clients with the necessary tools to change their lives, but we feel that part of that tool kit includes knowing the WHY. Knowledge is power, so instead of asking you to blindly follow instructions, we’re here to help you understand the ins and outs of your body and the process so that you can align your actions and mindset with your goals.

The MYLF way of living means you’re in the driver’s seat. You’re in charge of making the decisions that’ll get you where you want to be. 

Welcome to the MYLF way of living

Hey there!

The guidance & support you need to finally heal your relationship with yourself and become the best version of you.

Fitness and nutrition coaching for women who are done mistreating their body and ready to honor it the way it deserves.

The Reset is a one-week course with detailed instructions on the food, workouts and mindset changes you’ll need to embark on a successful fitness journey – without having to figure out how the heck to get going. 

Reset your body & mind in one week

Kickstart your health journey

Feeling like a

Three words that define a MYLF

Life-long learner

One thing that defines her

Grace for herself and others (no judgment over here!)

Something to keep in mind

Food has the power to HEAL

Our mission is…

To help you STOP living in your body passively. We help you reconnect to yourself and start living a life ON PURPOSE.


Who we are

We’re so glad you are here!

At MYLF Coaching, we’re in the business of helping you build the body you dream of by empowering your to Master Your Life Forever. We’re not here to tell you what to aspire to - instead, we help you discover your motivators and kick into gear to achieve your goals.

Allow us to introduce ourselves.

Jenny has 16+ years of experience in the health and fitness industry, and she specializes in helping women thrive by helping them realize their fullest potential to live a life they’re excited to wake up to. Jenny is the lead health coach, Founder & CEO. She’s in charge of mindset, workouts, and nutrition you’ll need to achieve your unique goals.

Holly is a Certified Health Coach, Senior Coach, and our Weight Loss Specialist. She’s been in your shoes, faced an eating disorder that resulted in serious health complications, and over time managed to overcome it, lose - and KEEP OFF - 160 pounds for 9+ years.

The best part? She mixes technical knowledge and hands-on experience with empathy and honesty to guide you through the process of building the body you know you’re capable of. 

Above all, we are here to help you SUCCEED

We are given ONE LIFE. ONE BODY. How about we don’t waste another second playing punishing ourselves or playing mind games, and instead, we embrace the honor that is taking care of ourselves from a place of love?

We’re not here to tell you what to do. We believe there is no cookie-cutter version of success that helps everyone feel accomplished. But we ARE here to live authentically and in truth. We promise to:

Want to know a little secret?

- Model the behaviors we’re teaching you by living them ourselves
- Help you release the thinking patterns that got you stuck in the first place
- Support you on your journey because we are stronger together

yes, please!

Ready to embrace the MYLF life?

 Being the CEO of your life is TOUGH. We’re here to remind you it’s ok to celebrate your accomplishments - even if you’re still on the way!



Whatever your goal, we’ll be there with actionable tips and support to help you reach it.

Get to it! 


Select your journey

Choose between the MYLF Coaching programs based on your most pressing goals.


about the process

Here's how to start

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