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Today we’re diving into a big one: anger. Not just the intense frustration that rattles you for a MINUTE, but then you quickly catch and regroup. We’re talking about the deep, bone-rattling anger when you are struggling to let go of an ONGOING injustice that you see or are right in the midst of. The […]

The relationship between a client and coach is often misunderstood, sometimes even stigmatized to the point where people feel embarrassed to ‘have to’ hire a coach or feel like they’ve failed if they need to come back to one. Today, we are reframing that thought.  Think about the most successful people you know – in […]

Do you remember playing the game Spotlight when you were little? We used to play it all the time with the neighborhood kids. A few weeks ago, my kids were playing it with a friend, and it brought back so many memories. It’s a little like hide-and-seek but with a twist.  Everyone runs around in […]

Woman sitting on top of mountain, looking at the landscape

We’re smack dab in the holiday season, and in true American fashion, we’re surrounded by treats, holiday specials, and all sorts of indulgences everywhere we look. Heck, I could swear Christmas decor went UP in September this year. What we want to do during this time is help you feel empowered instead of overwhelmed. Not […]

As the holiday season approaches, I want to talk about another type of holiday challenge. The people in your life know how you live. They know what you’ve been up to because they’ve seen your hard work. For many of you, your spouses and families are growing with you. But chances are you’ll reconnect with […]

This blog is part two of a series we recently published. You can read part 1 here. There is ALWAYS a Way, and I Will FIND IT We are moving forward because we are not finished. Many of us, in our 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond, have a pretty clear idea of what we can […]

Something that we see many people struggle with on their health journey is that they are clutching so hard onto this version of themselves — the one before they start — that they cannot fully commit to the journey to becoming a new version of themselves. Everything they do is simply a diet — a […]

Today, we want to talk about our signature program: Metabolism Mastery. During this program, your dedicated MYLF coach provides accountability, support and guidance as you work to essentially reset your metabolism. Your metabolism is not broken, but if you are gaining fat over time, this means that you are not METABOLIZING that fat — you […]

Woman holding yoga equipment and looking content

In life, there are two fundamental truths that we can always rely on. The first is that every action we take will inevitably have a reaction. For every INPUT there is an OUTPUT. This means that the choices we make and the steps we take will always lead to some sort of consequence, whether positive […]

This may not be our most popular blog ever. But today, we are talking about the concept of “giving yourself grace.” This is a loaded phrase for many reasons. For one, it’s been sort of “hijacked” to mean something that doesn’t quite align with the values we embody here. Let’s start at the beginning. What […]

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